Our most sincere gratitude goes to all the caring family service providers and advocates from various communities who have helped to make the the Community-based Family Conflict Resolution Program a reality by providing their input, feedback and/or services. Without their input and/or support this program would not have been possible.
Certified Master Educator for special needs children
Social Work Services, Child and Family Advocate
Business Consultant, former executive assistant at Queen’s Park
Child and Family Advocate, Mediation/Paralegal services/Court support
Minister, Hamilton Church of Christ
Info: Link to website
Family Law Lawyer (Toronto, Ont.)
Child and Family Coordinator, Child and Youth Worker, former worker with children’s aid society
Lawyer and family law Coach for self represented litigants
Child and Family Advocate
Family Law Lawyer (Hamilton, Ontario)
Mental Health Consultant, Goldberg and Associates (USA)
Website: http://www.parentalalienation.ca/
Retired police officer, former Director at CAS
Family Law lawyer (Vancouver, B.C.)
Licensed Private Investigator, Child and Family Advocate, Court Support
Social Work, Psychotherapist, Divorce Coach
Info: http://www.walkthetalkcoaching.com/
Child and Family Advocate, Social work services, Certified Hypnosis Practitioner
Child and Family Advocate, Former social worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers
Child and Family Advocate, Registered Social Services Worker
Child and Family Advocate (USA)
Family Counselor, Psychotherapist
Law enforcement officer (retired)
Certified Court Mediator (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
Certified Court Mediator (Ontario)